Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Does Broadway reinvigorate actors? Why else would multi-millionaires return to the theater. They go to play their favorite roles in front of a real audience that will laugh and love them. Will Kevin Kline go far enough in Cyrano De Bergerac to do this?
How did Jerry Seinfeld break free? There is only one way that Jerry Seinfeld could be in a movie and not be Jerry Seinfeld... An animated film! Perfect, he is able to act once again, and we can finally learn that his abilities have no depth. But is this enough to sink Bee movie?
The BQE is one of the world's ugliest express ways. I know you've thought it before, and you certainly aren't alone....
We can watch anything for 8 minutes! So lets capitalize on it. BAM is producing a series of short attention span nights. Quick hits of art mixed with $3 beers.
Experimental movies heal us. They take the unspoken pains of our lives and place the spotlight on them. But without the hollywood glamour. Glass Lips is one of those films that helps understand the tragic in our lives.